Poem for Frank

Created by Will 2 years ago

I wrote this poem for Frank when he was admitted to hospital......                                                                                                            
Pie and Chips !

Well things had started happening
Frank did not feel quite right
He could not put his finger on what was wrong
He thought with all his might
I think we’ll get you looked at
Said Ann who called the nurse
And soon she popped around to see Frank
And gave him chapter and verse
I think the problem is Frank
Your visits to the pub
The pie and chips and gravy you’re eating
And other sorts of pub grub
Frank shrugged his shoulders, non perplexed
Then ate a jelly baby
And them too! the nurse blurted out
Frank said, I think you’re being a bit hasty !
No sooner had he said it
When the nurse sent him off to hospital
For tests and pills and assessments
Frank thought, aint this just typical
The tests were started, Frank was admitted
To a ward and to a bed
Then someone came round with a lunch menu
Which was thoroughly and eagerly read
To Frank’s surprise before his eyes
The menu had pie n chips
with gravy mushy peas and bread
Frank smiled and licked his lips !
He ticked the boxes and handed it in
And waited for it to arrive
And when it came, he could not believe
What was there before his eyes !
The sister in charge of the ward
had noted Franks menu choices
and duly changed them from the pie n chips
having seen Franks result prognosis
Instead of pie there was courgette
Instead of chips were parsnips
Falafel and butter beans
Was all served up to his lordship !
The X-Rays could not be argued with
They showed up a pie shaped belly
With room around the edges
For chips while watching telly
So Frank was put on a pie free diet
Water and no more coke to drink
And when they were happy with his progress
He would be home within a blink !
All the best Frank, thinking of you !  

Will and Kathryn  X