Frank, my friend !

Created by Will 2 years ago

I miss Frank. 

For the last couple of years I used to come and be with Frank on Wednesday's, officially in a caring/companionship capacity but I always considered ourselves to be friends. And I think Frank did too.

As friends we would share conversation and have that "link" through the look of the eyes, facial expressions, laughter, tellings off !, sharing experiences and looking back on life..... it was good fun and I hope contributed to Frank's life in some ways. He certainly did to mine.

I used to make him join in baking where he would wear a pinny and glove to help mix the scone or cake mix, we would spend time looking on youtube at old films of Bolton or Jazz clubs and so on.  I always felt a bit more educated after leaving Frank's company.

We had some outings together too and often went for a pub lunch. a favourite trip in recent times was to Barrow Dock museum on the train.  I will never forget that train journey with Frank and how much he laughed at all sorts on that journey and our time in Tesco in Barrow having lunch and Franks commentary on some of the folk there ! (nearly got us into trouble !)

It was always eventful coming to be with Frank, I talked about things from our past and we had a smile and a laugh.

I know many can celebrate all that Frank achieved in his life, I was never part of that, but  I was part of Franks last couple of years and although he had to put up with health difficulties spending time with him became easy and something to look forward to.

God bless you Frank
